Jennifer Drake
Born in Kansas and raised in Colorado, Jennifer is an energy industry veteran with broad cross-functional experience ranging from R&D to new product development. She has held leadership roles with a number of electric utilities, and has worked in support of energy industry clients for the economic consulting firm Analysis Group and the investment bank Goldman Sachs. Prior to founding Prototerra, Jennifer was Director of Business Services and Transformation for Xcel Energy’s $2B Advanced Grid initiative. Over her 30+ year career, Jennifer has cultivated an authentic, robust network, and has developed unique insight into trends in energy as her home industry, in agriculture coming from a farming family, and in ‘food as medicine’ as a personal passion.
Jennifer has an MBA from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s MIT Sloan School, a Master in City Planning degree from MIT, and a BA from UC Berkeley.
Jennifer Drake | Managing Partner

Nathan Drake
A native Vermonter who moved west, Nathan is a JD/MBA with over 25 years’ experience in legal, finance, and private equity roles. Nathan left corporate law in 2006 become Principal at Colorado Financial Holdings, a buyout-focused PE firm in the agribusiness sector. He has multifaceted leadership experience in PE, from deal sourcing and execution to equity and debt finance, to holding board seats. Nathan has served as CEO, CFO, General Counsel and Director for a number of portfolio companies. He has successfully salvaged turnaround acquisitions through bankruptcy proceedings and has helped raise and deploy over $100 million in equity and debt. Nathan particularly excels at developing and executing business plans that drive profitability, and at assembling leadership teams.
Nathan has a JD from Harvard Law, an MBA from the MIT Sloan School, and a BA from Brown University.
Nathan Drake | Partner

Chris Hansen
With roots in both Nebraska and Kansas, Chris specialized in energy sector economics early in his career, gaining two decades of private sector experience in the energy and clean technology sector. Chris is now a passionate public servant, having become a Colorado State Representative in 2016. He currently serves in the Colorado State Senate, District 31, where he has cultivated respect for being data-driven and results-oriented, and for his authentic ability to collaborate across party lines. Chris serves on the Joint Budget committee, chairs the Appropriations Committee, and has successfully sponsored numerous clean-energy oriented bills. As Advisor at Janys Analytics Chris focused on energy sector consulting, and as Senior Director at IHS he led the acquisition and integration of 50+ companies. Chris was also a Research Fellow at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, having published several papers in professional journals on energy sector economics.
Dr. Hansen has a PhD in Economic Geography from Oxford University, a Master of Science in Technology Policy from MIT, a Graduate Diploma of Civil Engineering from the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, and a BSc in Nuclear Engineering from Kansas State University.
Chris Hansen | Advisor

Nick Brozovic
Nick was born and raised in England, but now calls Lincoln, NE home in the heartland of America’s Great Plains. Nick is Director of Policy for the Daugherty Water for Food Institute at the University of Nebraska, an irrigation industry-endowed think tank focused on global food and water security. An economist by training, Nick has particular expertise in water markets, and is known as a broad collaborator across academic, private sector and policy boundaries. Prior to coming to UNL, Nick worked for the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the Imperial College, London, and as Professor of Agricultural and Consumer Economics at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Nick has a PhD and MS from UC Berkeley, an MS from the University of California, and a BS from Oxford University.
Nick Brozovic | Advisor

Curt Covington
Curt grew up on a grape and tree nut family farm in California’s central valley. With over three decades as an agricultural lender, Curt has an unparalleled perspective on trends in the industry, and maintains an extensive network within the financial and business community as well throughout the agricultural value chain nationally. Curt is currently Senior Director of Institution Lending at AgAmerica, and most recently served as Executive Vice President and Chief Credit Officer of the Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation. At Farmer Mac Curt oversaw credit policy for FAMC’s agricultural and rural electric cooperative loan portfolios nationwide. Prior to his transition into the Farm Credit system, Curt served as SVP for Bank of the West.
Curt has an MBA in Agribusiness from Santa Clara University and a BA in Finance from the University of Southern California.
Curt Covington | Advisor

Peter Everett
Peter was born and raised in Montana, though he has moved extensively in his career, doing stints in China and Australia for General Mills. Peter currently serves as Vice President and Managing Director of the Australia-New Zealand markets for General Mills, having held numerous roles in business unit management, new product launches, and marketing for the company over the years. Known for his General Manager mindset, Peter has deep functional expertise in marketing, new product development, and numerous consumer-facing channels. Peter’s extensive international assignments across a variety of product verticals afford him a unique perspective on consumer trends and go-to-market strategies.
Peter has a BA from Carleton College, and an MBA from Harvard Business School.
Peter Everett | Advisor
Get In Touch
info@prototerra partners.com
3200 E Cherry Creek S. Drive, Ste. 220, Denver, CO 80209